Letter of Information Office of General District with a list of the Bolshevik activists in Denmark

Letter of Information Office of General District w Krakow, of April 8th, 1920, to the Directorate of Police, with a list of the Bolshevik activists in Denmark.mentioned inter alia dr Martini - Denmark citizen married to a Jewish woman from Homel, Baum - Jew, secretary of Czerańskiego, Buchholz - Chief of correspondence Bureau of "Rost" (Jew?), Siepulkin, Grossman, Szerin - Forward magazine's correspondent in New York, Braender - Russian Jew, Cholewa, M. A. Rosenblum, Andersen Stern - baptized Jew, who formerly served in the Russian Military Gendarmerie, R. Grabowski. "Other Russian activists": Minka Rubinstein, Szkaff, owner of "Baltick Bank", millionaire, Czeranski, a baptized Jew, monarchist and Bolshevik (sic!), Anna Lempa, a Russian Jewish woman and her sister Sanickaja. On mentioned ordered surveillance.
The National Archives in Krakow
Fonds: Starostwo Grodzkie Krakowskie
Signature: StGKr 35
Page/Card Number: L.1360/pr/20
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 08.04.1920
Place of origin: Kraków
Geographical names: Cracow, Denmark, Gomel, New York